Logos on black backgrounds are bold, eye-catching, daring and sometimes just damn good looking. We have designed a bunch of logos on black backgrounds lately, and trialing your design this way early in the process or even at the end once you've locked in a design is a great way to test what it will look like on uniforms and clothing, or to give your logo design a whole new perspective.

These examples of logos on black background are all custom logos designed here at The Little Logo Lab for our clients and we wanted to share them here on a blog portfolio for a bit of inspo and motivation to try something different with your next logo design if you are a graphic designer, or a future client of The Little Logo Lab who might like to consider the intense effect of contrast and depth achieved by using black backgrounds for your logo designs. (All images are copyright protected).
The custom logos below are for a range of Australian businesses from clothing labels, metalworks, tiling, software, makeup and renovation and building companies, but as you can see, the black background effect really works for all of them.
Custom logos on black backgrounds can grab attention and as you can see below, make the colours in your logo design really pop!